SysML v2 beta: System modelling of the new generation

The beta specifications of SysML Version 2 have been approved by the Object Management Group (OMG) and explained in a press release. The specifications enable next-generation system modelling with improved precision, expressiveness, consistency, usability, interoperability and extensibility. The SysML v2 submission team, co-chaired by Sandy Friedenthal and Ed Seidewitz, included representatives from more than 80 organisations.
SysML v2 provides complementary textual and graphical representations of the underlying model, enabling a better understanding of the system.A standard API and a set of services for navigating, querying and updating the model enable interoperability with other tools and software applications throughout the system development lifecycle.
The OMG expects the final passing of the three specifications in the course of 2024. The OMG specifications cover middleware, modelling and vertical domain frameworks.
For Sparx Systems, the OMG press release quotes J.D. Baker, Sparx Ambassador and OMG Architecture Board Member: ‘Sparx Systems has closely followed the development of SysML v2. Now that the specifications are being finalised, Sparx Systems will work to provide Enterprise Architect users with the specified capabilities.’
SysML v2 beta includes:
The specification of the Kernel Modelling Language (KerML) version 1.0 beta
The specification of the Systems Modelling Language (SysML) version 2.0 beta
The specification of the Systems Modelling Application Programming Interface (API) and Services Version 1.0 beta.
‘SysML v2 enables the modelling of increasingly complex systems as part of the evolving practice of model-based systems engineering,’ explains Friedenthal.
SysML v2 extends KerML with concepts for modelling systems with deeply nested hierarchies of structure, behaviour, requirements and overarching relationships. It also enables developers to specify analysis and verification cases.
‘KerML defines a new metamodel that forms the basis for SysML v2,’ explains Seidewitz. ‘Its formal semantics, specified as first-order logic with a 4D semantics of temporal and spatial extension, offers a new level of expressiveness and precision.’