Buy Enterprise Architect
Are you working with an older version of Enterprise Architect and want to upgrade to the latest version? Find here an overview of the license prices in direct comparison.
Which topics can be covered with the Enterprise Architect tool?
Enterprise Architect is an innovative modeling and design tool for model-based systems engineering (MBSE), model-based software development, enterprise architecture management (EAM) and data architecture. With its broad selection, Enterprise Architect supports software architects, system engineers, business analysts and many other involved parties in their specialist work.
Which modeling languages does Enterprise Architect support?
Enterprise Architect supports over 80 modeling languages, including versatile ones such as Unified Modeling Language (UML), Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), SysML (Systems Modeling Language), ArchiMate and more. The set of languages is constantly being expanded in line with new standards and already includes the ability to model cloud infrastructures for artificial intelligence and machine learning on platforms from Amazon, Microsoft and Google.
What advantages does Enterprise Architect offer over other modeling tools?
In everyday use, Enterprise Architect is characterised in particular by its openness to many other IT systems, which makes it much easier to integrate into an existing tool chain in companies. Building on this, new interfaces and connectors for important other systems are constantly being developed and included in the next release. It is therefore particularly important to always use the latest version of Enterprise Architect in order to remain at the cutting edge of technology and to be able to make full use of the modelling possibilities.
Why companies prefer Enterprise Architect over other modelling tools?
As SparxSystems Europe, we know from our Academy for Professional Modeling and other customer analyses that users cite the excellent price/performance ratio of Enterprise Architect as a key purchase argument. They also appreciate the openness of the modelling platform, which can be easily integrated into an existing tool chain. The additional offers from SparxSystems Europe Business Partners also increase the utility value of Enterprise Architect and make the tool even more attractive.
What tools and options does the Enterprise Architect tool offer to improve the effectiveness of collaboration between different teams?
Enterprise Architect offers a variety of tools and options to improve collaboration between different teams. For example, discussions can be held about an element or diagram in the model. Even formal reviews of a part of the model are possible with review elements.
This involves specifying when the review should start and end and which team members are responsible for carrying out the review. Last but not least, chats are possible for informal discussions, whereby the identity of the user ID or a group name is determined. The connection with Prolaborate from Sparx Systems further expands the possibilities for collaboration.
What options does Enterprise Architect offer for integration with other tools?
As an open modeling platform, Enterprise Architect is known for its wide range of integration options with other tools. Development and project management tools used in software development can be integrated via the Pro Cloud Server. Examples include integrations with IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) such as Visual Studio and Eclipse, issue tracking systems such as JIRA or collaboration solutions such as Microsoft Teams and Slack. This ensures that existing tools and workflows can continue to be used within the development environments. The Product Suite provides you with an overview of the comprehensive solution.
Are SparxSystems Europe products also available as SaaS solution?
Of course, the entire product suite, i.e. the complete tool chain, is available as a Software as a Service (SaaS) offering. As a European SaaS provider, SparxSystems Europe is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation that has been in force in the EU since May 25, 2018. In addition, the Lieber Group – to which SparxSystems Europe belongs – has been certified in accordance with ISO 27001 and an Information Security Management System (ISMS) has been introduced.
Which extension options does Enterprise Architect offer?
Enterprise Architect offers many options to extend the functionality and adapt it to specific requirements. Here are some of the most important options:
- MDG Technologies: MDG Technologies (Model Driven Generation) help to create user-defined modelling languages and profiles in various technical domains.
- Partner Products: To further increase the practical value of Enterprise Architect, SparxSystems Europe maintains good contacts with partners. This provides you with a wide range of partner products that support you in various aspects of modelling.
- Stereotypes and Tagged Values: Stereotypes and Tagged Values can be used to add user-defined properties and behaviours to elements in models.
- Scripting and add-ins: Enterprise Architect supports various scripting languages such as JavaScript, JScript, VBScript and Groovy. User-defined add-ins extend the tool’s functions.
- User-defined diagram types: They help to visualise specific views of models.
What new trends and developments does Enterprise Architect map as a modelling tool and how?
With each new release, Enterprise Architect is expanded with regard to new technological developments, current standardisations and practical requirements. For example, the list of available modelling languages is constantly growing and already enables the modelling of cloud infrastructures for AI and machine learning. It is therefore very advantageous for users to always use the latest version of Enterprise Architect in order to fully utilise the current technological possibilities.
Which options does Enterprise Architect offer with regard to agile development methods?
In conversations, the misconception that model-based development and agility do not go together comes up again and again. However, due to the immense further development of model-based approaches and Enterprise Architect, this is no longer true. Instead, agile approaches such as flexibility, iterative development and the regular inclusion of customer feedback can be ideally realised when working with Enterprise Architect. This means that the requirements of the well-known Agile Manifesto are also widely accepted in modelling
Just a few examples:
Requirements modelling: Requirements models are an ideal basis for agile development teams
Iterative development: Models can also be gradually refined using iterative methods and are thus also enriched with important information from customer feedback
Continuous improvement: Models in particular are ideal for continuous improvement in order to constantly increase the quality of the model
Why does an Enterprise Architect need the Enterprise Architect modelling platform?
Due to the constantly growing importance of software in the business environment, professional profiles in this field have become increasingly differentiated. Today, the job title ‘Enterprise Architect’ is just one of many others. An enterprise architect is responsible for process improvement and the development of new strategies. Enterprise architecture maps the interrelationships between organisation, processes, technologies and IT systems in a company. What all professions in this field have in common, however, is that they can work very well with the Enterprise Architect modelling platform, as it provides comprehensive support for software and system development.
Which editions of Enterprise Architect are available?
There are four editions of Enterprise Architect, each available as a named user (standard) or floating licence:
Professional: Offers all basic modelling functions and is particularly suitable for individual developers or smaller teams
Corporate: Includes the additional option of using SQL Server, Oracle or MySQL as a database system – user administration can be set up for each model
Unified: Combines the previous ‘Systems Engineering’ and ‘Business and Software Engineering’ editions – Offers extended modelling functions, for example for real-time systems or embedded systems using UML, SysML, DDS, BPSIM, etc. – Ideal for teams that carry out both system and software development
Ultimate: For power users and those who work across domains – With full support for business, software and systems engineering – Includes all functions and MDG plug-ins
The detailed Enterprise Architect Feature Matrix is available as a service to help you select the right edition of Enterprise Architect for you.
What is the difference between named user licences and floating licences?
Named user licences: With the Named User licence, the user must ensure that a valid licence key is available for each running instance of EA. This means that a user (=named user) may install their EA version on several machines, e.g. on a desktop computer and a notebook, but only one instance of which is used at the same time.
Floating licences: Floating licences are used in companies that want to be informed about how their employees are using Enterprise Architect. This service is included with the floating licence and is provided via the Sparx Enterprise Key Store. The Key Store is installed in the network and provides the licence keys for users to check out. Keys can be managed by the administrator. Enterprise Architect can be installed an unlimited number of times, the number of concurrent uses is regulated by the number of floating keys.
How does the Pro Cloud Server licence model work?
Pro Cloud Server is a standard Microsoft Windows service that manages a pool of database connections for each defined repository. It is designed to run on your hardware, so you have full control over how it is configured and who has access to it, and more importantly, your data remains completely under your control.
In a web browser environment there is no concept of a licensed user, it is purely based on browser sessions, i.e.: each browser session that logs into a Web EA repository consumes a PCS token. This means that a single user/computer logging into Web EA with 3 different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE) would consume 3 tokens/licences. Regardless of where a user comes from (Azure DevOps or a simple browser), a licence or token is required.
Note: EA clients do not require a PCS licence to access PCS-based repositories. Conversely, no EA licence is required to use Web EA. Pro Cloud Server is also used as a gateway for third-party manufacturers.
The following functions are included with one token:
– Up to seven repositories with activated Pro functions
– One external data integration
– One Web EA, Prolaborate and OSLC user
There are Unlicensed, Token, Team Server and Enterprise Editions.
How does the Sparx Enterprise Architect licence model work?
Enterprise Architect is available as a licensed product. After purchasing, you become a registered user and are able to:
- Download and activate the current full version
- Use the latest updates and builds for 1 year
- Benefit from SparxSystems Europe e-mail support for 1 year
- Access the additional resources for registered users for 1 year
After the one-year maintenance contract expires, you can continue to work with your previous version without any restrictions.
Note: You will only continue to have access to the latest updates and our support if you renew your maintenance contract in time.
How can I extend the maintenance contract for Enterprise Architect after the one-year term (renewal)?
When the one-year maintenance agreement for Enterprise Architect expires, both the benefits of being a registered user and access to the latest updates no longer apply. However, you can continue to use Enterprise Architect, but you will no longer have access to the ongoing adaptation of the modelling platform to current trends and the addition of new technologies. SparxSystems Europe therefore recommends that you extend your maintenance contract so that you are always up-to-date.
The login data for this extension is included in the licence file, and you can check it online by entering your user ID. As a special service, you will receive a timely reminder e-mail from SparxSystems Europe.
Note: A maintenance extension is only possible for licences for which the maintenance has not expired for more than 2 years. If the end of maintenance was more than 2 years ago, you must purchase a new licence if you want to use the latest version.
How can I upgrade my Enterprise Architect licence if required?
You can upgrade the functionality of your Enterprise Architect edition at any time by paying the difference between your current edition and the desired edition. An additional processing fee of € 10,- will be charged. This option is only available to registered users with valid maintenance. Otherwise, the maintenance contract must be extended in addition to the edition upgrade.
Note: An edition upgrade does not extend your maintenance contract (renewal).