MDG Technology for BABOK® Guide v3

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Create model patterns, implement BABOK® Guide v3 frameworks in projects. Guidelines, practices and techniques familiar to business analysts are presented as BABOK® Guide v3 model templates. This MDG technology provides an accurate modelling structure while maintaining deep connections to BABOK® Guide v3 knowledge and techniques, leading to better business outcomes and project success.

Learn more: MDG-Technologie for BABOK® Guide v3

MDG Technology for Python Technology

MDG Technology for Python adds round-trip code engineering support to Enterprise Architect.
Supported from version 6.0 of Enterprise Architect.

MDG Technology for EJB

MDG technology for EJB enables the user to model EJB entities and sessions with UML profiles for modelling, patterns and code management.
Supported as of version 4.0 of Enterprise Architect.

MDG Technology for Symbian C++

MDG Technology for Symbian C++ provides modelling and round-trip code engineering support for Symbian C++ language extensions. The technology includes a UML toolbox for Symbian C++ as well as the required code engineering templates and reverse engineering extensions.
Supported from version 7.1.830 of Enterprise Architect.

MDF for BPMN Technology

Das BPMN-Add-In erweitert die integrierte BPMN-Modellierungsunterstützung von Enterprise Architect um Modellvalidierungsfunktionen und bietet eine Dokumentation der Zuordnung von BPMN zu UML-Profilen.

MDG Technology for Testing

MDG Technology for Testing enables rapid modelling of a variety of test procedures including unit tests, SUTs, test cases and more.
Supported from version 4.1 of Enterprise Architect.

MDG Technology file for CORBA

The MDG technology file for CORBA allows the user to generate CORBA IDL stubs from existing diagram elements of Enterprise Architect classes.
The MDG technology for CORBA supports IDL for Enterprise Architect
Supported as of version 4.5 of Enterprise Architect.