Award of equalitA Quality Seal for SparxSystems Europe

SparxSystems Europe is delighted to have been awarded the equalitA seal of approval for the advancement of women within the company. equalitA is an initiative of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economic Affairs and recognises companies and organisations that are particularly committed to the advancement of women within the company.
The invitation to apply for the seal of approval came from the Association of Austrian Software Innovators (VÖSI), which runs its own mentoring programme for women in the ICT sector in its special interest group WOMENinICT.
Peter Lieber, founder and Managing Director of SparxSystems Europe and Vice-President of VÖSI, commented: ‘We are delighted to have been awarded the equalitA seal of approval and would like to thank VÖSI for its commitment to further spreading the equalitA initiative in the ICT sector. Due to the ever-increasing spread of ICT in all areas of life, we want to encourage women in particular to familiarise themselves with the various professional fields in this area. Ideally, ICT should support and promote all people in their professional and private lives, help to strengthen and expand democracy and enable us all to live better lives. With these goals in mind, we welcome every woman who discovers the opportunities and great creative possibilities in the ICT sector.’
The equalitA seal of approval was handed over to SparxSystems Europe in the Marble Hall of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economic Affairs.