Nictiz builds a reference architecture for hospitals with Enterprise Architect

Nictiz is the Dutch competence centre for e-health. With the help of Enterprise Architect, the hospital reference architecture ZiRA was created there, which is attracting great interest not only in the Netherlands. The framework serves to facilitate the inventory, development and innovation of hospital IT. Particularly interesting examples are now presented in a practical handbook to support the dissemination of the reference architecture.
Vienna/The Hague – ZiRA (Ziekenhuis Reference Architecture) was born out of the realisation that, although Dutch hospitals are dealing with similar problems, there was no framework for cooperation in the area of IT. Ten IT specialists from various hospitals in the Netherlands joined forces and developed ZiRA with Enterprise Architect on the basis of information requirements and best practice examples.
ZiRA is part of the iZiekenhuis community, in which hospitals share their knowledge and experience with regard to providing information. ZiRA also provides a digital platform for sharing knowledge, information and best practices. In addition, regular workshops are organised with and for information architects.

Enterprise Architecture Repository: Regardless of the architecture framework selected, Enterprise Architect is a fully-fledged architecture repository that can store and manage all architecture content.
(Graphic: ZiRA Practice book)
ZiRA manual with hands-on examples
The ZiRA reference architecture is the replacement for the ‘Domain Reference Model for Hospitals’ (RDZ), which has been used for many years for the development of various applications in Dutch hospitals. A separate practical handbook now explains the general principles of ZiRA and provides practical examples.
It states that ZiRA provides a reference framework and helps to develop the organisation and provision of information in hospitals. The reference architecture is intended to support day-to-day work, but does not claim to be complete or absolutely correct. The initiators of ZiRA invite all interested parties to use ZiRA to their advantage and adapt it to their own purposes and contexts. Using concrete examples, the practical handbook is intended to encourage people to join the growing ZiRA community and make their work easier through modelling.
ZiRA is aimed at a large group of employees in hospitals: Enterprise and Information Architects, Information Managers, Solution Architects, Functional and Technical Designers, Functional Administrators, Policy Officers, Consultants and others involved in organisational and process change. The examples in the handbook clearly show how diverse the possible applications of the reference architecture are and how they can contribute to the benefit of hospitals.
Hans Bartmann, Sales Manager of SparxSystems Europe, comments:
‘The corona pandemic in particular has shown us how important modern and crisis-proof hospital management is. We would therefore like to congratulate Nictiz on creating the ZiRA hospital reference architecture, which has already been widely used in the Netherlands. At the same time, we are of course pleased that ZiRA was developed with the help of Enterprise Architect.
This clearly shows that modelling has found its way into the healthcare sector and provides the best possible support for the work of the people who work there, which is so important for all of us.’

Hans Bartmann, Sales Manager of SparxSystems Europe
Some implementations of the Dutch hospital reference architecture ZiRA:
- Mapping the value proposition of hospital, project and service
- Reference list for architectural principles
- Determine distinguishable and indistinguishable core competences
- Insight and overview of costs, benefits, risks and bottlenecks in the business function model
- Basis for capacity and volume management
- Basis for process design
- CIA classification
- Application mapping for e.g. mergers
- Definition of people
- Development of an enterprise architecture
- Modelling of information
- Tool for the future description of the application architecture
Karolinska Institute developed a capability model
Shortly after the ZiRA reference model was published, the world-famous Karolinska Institute in Sweden took an interest in it. They used the ZiRA business function model to derive a capability model. This describes what the County of Stockholm needs in order to fulfil its mission to support and ensure continuity of healthcare in the future.
The capability model has already been used in specific bids. The operational vision in the model describes what an organisation must be capable of in order to fulfil its mission in accordance with the Health and Medical Services Act. Incidentally, the Karolinska Institute is also where the Nobel Prize for Medicine is awarded each year.

Example of medical history collection: Erasmus MC used the metamodel, structure and concepts of ZiRA as the basis for setting up the repository, but enriched it with its own organisation-specific elements.
(Graphic: ZiRA Practice book)
Erasmus MC: Enterprise Architecture Repository
As in many organisations, hospitals also like to use models to map their existing IT. This provides an overview of hardware and software and their interdependencies, which helps with the replacement of outdated items as well as with the further development of the system.
The Erasmus University Medical Centre in Rotterdam is one of the most important university hospitals in Europe and has used ZiRA as the basis for its own Enterprise Architecture Repository (EAR). An EAR is ideal for describing the actual and target IT status mentioned above. Regardless of the architecture framework chosen, Enterprise Architect is a fully-fledged EAR that can store and manage all architecture content. In Erasmus MC, we added our own organisation-specific concepts: organisations, subsidiaries, topics, pillars, departments, etc. The applications were read from the CMDB (Configuration Management Database) and linked to the application functions.
In addition, the own architecture principles and the data centres, servers, networks and nodes from the infrastructure layer were added. This EAR serves as a starting point and basis in various projects and is supplemented with project-dependent elements and views in each case.
This process is illustrated in the diagram using the example of ‘medical history collection’. Erasmus MC therefore used the metamodel, structure and concepts of ZiRA as the basis for setting up the repository, but enriched these with its own organisation-specific elements.
AVL uses ZiRA for maintenance and capacity management
The Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (AVL) Hospital in Amsterdam is a leader in cancer research and treatment. It is named after the Dutch natural scientist of the same name (1632 – 1723) and the most important microscopist of the 17th and early 18th century, often referred to as the ‘father of bacteriology’.
With the help of the consulting firm Logiqol, AVL launched the ‘Integrated Capacity Management’ programme in 2017 to optimise logistics processes in the healthcare sector, enabling it to better manage throughput and access times. ZiRA made it possible to provide the necessary control information. Based on the ZiRA process reference model, the process flow for the largest patient group was described down to the level of work processes.
It was found that the ZiRA model was well understood and at the same time well suited as a uniform language for the other tumour groups. A printed manual of the ZiRA work processes was therefore produced, which is available to all those involved in the process. The process description was used to identify time points and patient flows, which are used to visualise the care process in five phases in a dashboard.
This provides the tumour working group with an up-to-date overview of the scope of activities in their patient flow in a given week.
Gelre: Business information and risk management
At Gelre Hospitals in the Netherlands, the ZiRA information model was used to develop a business information model. For example, the distinction between activity and result information objects proposed in ZiRA was found to be very useful and was adopted.
The business model should provide an overview of which business information objects exist in the primary care process and how they relate to each other. In a functional and technical design, it is now easy to determine whether information objects already exist and can be reused or whether a new object needs to be created. A data architect can also easily validate the design and communicate changes in the design. The next step is to link the information objects to the business activities in order to gain insight into which information is used in which business activity.

The Gelre hospitals used the ZiRA process model to gain an insight into their own risk management. (Graphic: ZiRA Practice book)
At the same time, the ZiRA process model was used to gain an insight into the company’s own risk management. For each process area, it was determined who is responsible for identifying, assessing and managing risks. As no suitable reference model for comprehensive risk management could be found, the Gelre clinics began to develop their own model, using the ZiRA process model as a starting point. It was found that the existing processes almost corresponded to the ZiRA model, as this provides a good overview of the generic processes in the hospital.

At the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (AVL) hospital, a printed manual of the ZiRA work processes was created. The process description was used to identify time points and patient flows, which are used to visualize the care process in five phases in a dashboard. (Graphic: ZiRA Practice book)
About Nictiz
Nictiz is the Dutch competence center for the electronic exchange of health and care information. Nictiz develops and manages standards that enable the electronic exchange of information. We ensure that health information can be clearly recorded and exchanged. In addition, we collect and share knowledge about electronic information exchange in healthcare, focusing not only on the Netherlands, but also on international developments.
About SparxSystems Europe
Sparx Systems Pty Ltd (Australia) was founded in 1996 and is the manufacturer of Enterprise Architect, a globally successful UML modeling platform. Enterprise Architect is used for designing and building software systems, business process modeling and modeling any process or system. Enterprise Architect is valued by over 1 million users for its performance at an unbeatable price. Enterprise Architect is an easy-to-understand, team-oriented modeling environment that helps companies analyze, design and build systems that are accurately understood and documented. With the help of this tool, companies are enabled to collect and present the often very dispersed knowledge of teams and departments centrally.
SparxSystems Software Europe was set up in 2004 to provide the best possible Enterprise Architect service to the many customers in their language and time zone, supporting the entire German-speaking region with license acquisition, training and consulting. SparxSystems Software Europe is a business unit of the Lieber.Group.